Featured Fawnatics & Challenge 188 Random Winner

We loved to see all the fun Let’s Celebrate entries in the challenge gallery! Thank you to everyone who shared your celebration projects with us!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Silvia
featuring Happy Couples, Beach Sunset Stencils, Fly High, Bicycle Built for You

by Helga
featuring I Heart Pandas Add-On, Bamboo Stencils, I Heart Pandas,
Tropical Leaves Backdrop, Heart Garland Backdrop: Portrait, Swivel Surprise

by Stephanie
featuring Sunny Sunflower, Lovely Lily of the Valley, Watering Can,
Fancy Wavy Banners, Lacy Rectangle Stackables, Wavy Sayings

by Sophie
featuring I Heart Pandas, Bamboo Stencils, Elephant Parade

by Tiffany
featuring Giant Happy Mother’s Day,
Quilted Heart Backdrop: Portrait, I Heart Pandas

by Shannon
featuring Scootin’ By, Heart Wreath Stencil,
Bicycle Built for You, Henry’s Build-A-Sentiment: Spring

by Katie
featuring Bamboo Forest Backdrop: Portrait,
I Heart Pandas, Wild for You, Bunting Borders

by Sandy
featuring Platform Pop-Up, Rub-A-Dub-Dub

And now we have our random drawing winner from Challenge 188 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#55

Congratulations to Mona Gandecha! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics drawing winner” in the subject line. Then grab this winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

You will find amazing inspiration by our talented Design Team during the next 2 weeks for Lawn Fawnatics Challenge 189 – Lots of Heart. This challenge runs until Sunday, February 2 at 11:59PM ET.