Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 191 Random Winner

We are so ready for Spring after seeing your beautiful and creative Spring Fling entries! We loved seeing all the ways you used old and new sets! Thank you all so much joining us for this challenge!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Vicki
featuring Butterfly Border, Butterfly Kisses,
Butterfly Kisses Flip-Flop, Stitched Cloud Backdrop

by Valérie
featuring It’s a Bird, Heart Tree

by Melissa
featuring Build-A-Basket: Easter, Henry’s Build-A-Sentiment: Bunny Puns,
Simple Stripes: Portrait, Grassy Border

by Allison
featuring Tiny Spring Friends,
Magic Spring Messages, Apple-solutely Awesome

by Kim
featuring Spring Flowers Backdrop,
Henry’s ABCs, Scripty Birthday

by Helga
featuring Terrific Tulips, Flower Bouquet Wrap,
Sunny Sunflower, Darling Daffodils, Lovely Lily of the Valley

by Donna
featuring Watering Can, Lovely Lily of the Valley,
Veggie Happy, Crazy Antics, All My Heart

by Jarle
featuring Build-A-Bunny, Build-A-Bunny Accessories,
Secret Garden Window, Bitsy Blooms Petite Paper

And now we have our random drawing winner from Challenge 191 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#28

Congratulations to Sophie M! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics drawing winner” in the subject line. Then grab this winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

You will find amazing inspiration by our talented Design Team during the next 2 weeks for Lawn Fawnatics Challenge 192 – All Things Birthday. This challenge runs until Sunday, March 16 at 11:59PM ET.
