Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 189 Random Winner

Our hearts are full seeing all the fantastic inspiration in the Lots of Heart challenge gallery! We loved all the creative ways you used hearts in your entries! Thank you all so much!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Eleanor
featuring Tea-rrific Day, Crazy Antics, Special Delivery Add-On,
Scent with Love Add-On, Tree Before ‘n Afters

by Kris
featuring Scent with Love, Lacy Heart Stackables,
Lots of Hearts Background Stencils, Bee Mine, All the Clouds

by Maquela
featuring Wood You Be Mine?, S’more the Merrier,
How You Bean? Conversation Heart Add-On

by Elaine
featuring Platform Pop-Up, Little Letter, Scripty XOXO,
Scripty XOXO Outline Add-On, Candy Hearts, Heart Garland Backdrop: Landscape

by Mona
featuring I Heart Pandas, Heart Garden Border,
Scalloped Box Card Pop-Up, Heart Garland Backdrop

by Janelle
featuring I Heart Pandas, Lacy Heart Stackables,
Fancy Lattice Backdrop, Just Stitching Hearts

by Michie
featuring Platform Pop-Up, Platform Pop-Up Cloud Inserts,
Butterfly Kisses, I Heart Pandas, Carrot ’bout You, Henry’s Build-A-Sentiment: Love

by Nikki
featuring Treat Cart, I Heart Pandas,
Heart Garden Border, Village Shops, Simple Stripes: Diagonal

And now we have our random drawing winner from Challenge 189 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#46

Congratulations to Katie Brooks! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics drawing winner” in the subject line. Then grab this winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

You will find amazing inspiration by our talented Design Team during the next 2 weeks for Lawn Fawnatics Challenge 190 – Anything but a Card or Tag. This challenge runs until Sunday, February 16 at 11:59PM ET.


Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 165 Random Winner

We definitely felt the love from all of your heart-filled creations! Lots of hearts and thanks to everyone who shared your wonderful creativity! Be sure to check out the challenge gallery for all the Lots of Heart Challenge inspiration!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Gladys
using Heart Garland Backdrop: Portrait, Scent with Love,
Scent with Love Add-On, Scripty Love

by Paola
using Valentine Hearts Border, Just Plane Awesome, Giant XOXO

by Tessa
using Scalloped Treat Box, Scent with Love, Scent with Love Add-On,
Lacy Heart Stackables, Outside In Stitched Heart Stackables

by Jennifer
using How You Bean?, How You Bean? Conversation Heart Add-On,
Scent with Love, Scripty Sweet

by Anita
using Penguin Party, Conversation Heart Stencils, Sew Very Mice

by Lenae
using Cheery Cherries, Giant XOXO,
Lacy Heart Stackables, Outside In Stitched Heart Stackables

by Janelle
using Lots of Hearts Background Stencils,
Porcu-pine for You Add-On, A Waffle Lot

by Araceli
using Heart Pouch, Heart Pouch Dotted Hearts Add-On, Ugly and Bright

And now we have our random drawing winner from Challenge 165 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#63

Congratulations to Donna T! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics random winner” in the subject line. Then grab this random winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

We will share Design Team inspiration during the next 2 weeks for Challenge 166 – Interactive. This new challenge runs until Sunday, February 18th at 11:59PM ET. And don’t miss the fun all week over at the Lawn Fawn blog! Our wonderfully talented designers will inspire you with their Lots of Heart Week creations!


We hope you are having fun with the new Interactive Challenge! To play along with this new challenge click HERE.

Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 45 Random Winner

It was wonderful to see the challenge gallery filled with your love-themed cards in so many styles! You have no idea how difficult it was to narrow down the Featured Fawnatics for this challenge, every entry had something so special and fun! Thank you all so much for sharing your awesome talent with us, you are all the best! If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!


by Kari
(using Stitched Journaling Card, Happy Happy Happy Add-On, How You Bean? Conversation Heart Add-On)

by Maria
(using Woodland Critter Huggers, Woodland Critter Huggers Winter Add-On, XOXOXO Line Border)

by Amy
(using How You Bean?, Thanks a Latte)

by Lisa
(using Let’s Toast, Double Slider Surprise, My Silly Valentine, Thanks a Latte, Polka Heart Backdrop)

by Shuly
(using How You Bean?, How You Bean? Conversation Heart Add-On, Bicycle Built for You, Beary Happy Holidays)

by Lisa
(using Let’s Toast, Smitty’s ABCs, Stinkin’ Cute)

by Jo
(using You Are Sublime)

by Shannon
(using Meow You Doin‘, Love Letters)

And now we have our Random Winner from Challenge 45 Lots of Love who wins a $25.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#7 Congratulations to Sue! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics winner” in the subject line. Then grab this winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

We will share Design Team inspiration during the next 2 weeks for Challenge 46 – Color Inspiration Mood Board! This new challenge runs until Sunday, February 17th at 11:59PM ET. We can’t wait to see how you are inspired by our new challenge!

Happy crafting from your friends at Lawn Fawnatics!