Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 173 Random Winner

It was so difficult to choose just eight projects to feature from the Dies Only challenge! All of your projects are so amazing! Thank you for sharing with us! Be sure to check out the Dies Only challenge gallery for some awesome inspiration!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Rachel
featuring Stitched Garden Veggies, Stitched Root Veggies,
Fruit Basket, Little Farm Fence Border

by Ellen
featuring Zesty Lemon

by Helene
featuring Winter Yeti, Stitched Kite, Forest Backdrop,
Straight Flower Border, Scripty Hello, Stitched Windy Backdrop

by Rena
featuring Desert Canyon Backdrop,
Cactus Hillside Border, Mr. Sun, Let’s Toast Pull-Tab Add-On

by Stephanie
featuring Build-A-Greenhouse, Build-A-House Spring Add-On,
Fancy Wavy Banners, Scalloped Rectangle Stackables

by Sarah
featuring Giant Happy Birthday, Puffy Cloud Borders,
Ta-Da! Diorama! Heart Window Add-On

by Tera
featuring Build-A-Drink Root Beer Add-On,
I Scream You Scream, Stitched Teacup

by Diane
featuring Cake Slice Box, Strawberry Patch

And now we have our random drawing winner from Challenge 173 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#33

Congratulations to Michie! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics random winner” in the subject line. Then grab this random winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

We will share Design Team inspiration during the next 2 weeks for Lawn Fawnatics Challenge 174 – Feature a Stencil. This new challenge runs until Sunday, June 16 at 11:59PM ET. And of course, you will find amazing inspiration right here by our talented Design Team!
