Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 4 Random Winner!

Wow, we were blown away by all of your fabulous Black, White and Bright projects! Such amazing creativity! Thank you so much to everyone for sharing with us! Here we have some of the cards that caught our attention. If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics we would love for you to grab this badge to display on your blog or other social media!

by Jennifer (using Out of This World, Puffy Star Stackables)
by Chitra (using So Jelly)
by Kimberly (using Color My World)
by Kim (using Fab Flowers)
by Susie (using Thanks a Bushel)
by Ute (using Hang in There)
by Juilien (using Sweet Smiles)
by Claudia (using Mermaid for You)
by Kirsten (using Year Seven, Quinn’s 123s, Smart Cookie)
by Beatriz (using Meow You Doin’?)


And now we have the random winner for Challenge 4 – Black, White and Bright who will receive a $25.00 gift certificate to our shop at lawnfawn.com!

And the winner is…..#33!

Congratulations to Tanya at Studio 5380!

Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with Lawn Fawnatics winner in the subject line. Then grab the winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

We will share Design Team inspiration for our new Spring Inspiration Board – Challenge 5 over the next 3 weeks. The new challenge will be open until midnight ET on June 4.

Have a wonderful day and happy crafting!