Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 179 Random Raffle Winner

Home really is where the heart is as your amazing creativity demonstrated! We just loved all of the homey scenes and nods to where you call home! A big thank you to everyone who participated in this challenge! Be sure to check out the challenge gallery for There’s No Place Like Home to see all the wonderful inspiration!

If you are one of our Featured Fawnatics today, we invite you to grab this badge to share on your blog or other social sites!

by Jennifer H.
featuring Car Critters, Car Critters Road Trip Add-On,
On the Road, Wild for You, Peekaboo Pop-Up, Henry’s ABCs

by Kimberly
featuring Treat Cart Add-On: Coffee, Tea-rrific Day, Tea-rrific Day Add-On

by Helene
featuring Dad + Me, Porcu-pine for You,
Critters in the Forest, Happy Village, Happy Trails, Henry Jr.’s ABCs

by Cissi
featuring Little Woodland Library,
Den Sweet Den, Window Scene: Winter

by Charlene
featuring Ta-Da! Diorama!, Hive Five, Bicycle Built for You,
Berry Special, Ta-Da! Diorama! Shop Add-On, Harold’s ABCs

by India
featuring Acorn House, Coaster Critters, Treat Cart, Henry’s ABCs

by Stacy
featuring Happy Trails, Riley’s ABCs, Stitched Sentiment Banners,
Woodgrain Backdrop, Stitched Mountain Borders, Stitched Hillside Backdrop: Portrait

by Kathrin
featuring Little Woodland Library, Window Scene: Winter,
Window Frame, Treat Cart Add-On: Coffee, Sweet Spiders

And now we have our random raffle winner from Challenge 179 who wins a $50.00 gift certificate to our shop, lawnfawn.com! And the winner is…#4

Congratulations to Carol! Please send an email to fawnies(at)lawnfawn(dot)com with “Lawn Fawnatics raffle winner” in the subject line. Then grab this raffle winner badge to display on your blog and social media!

You will find amazing inspiration by our talented Design Team during the next 2 weeks for Lawn Fawnatics Challenge 180 – Woodland Wonder. This challenge runs until Sunday, September 15 at 11:59PM ET.


5 thoughts on “Featured Fawnatics and Challenge 179 Random Raffle Winner

  1. Congratulations to all of the featured card creators and to the lucky winner!! Thank you for showcasing my card! It was such a nice way to start the work week after a long holiday weekend!

  2. Thank you so much for showcasing my card. A BIG congratulation to all the other featured card makers and the lucky winner as well.

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